If your provider is on that list, we will not be able to provide any kind of support. Please check out the list of incompatible hosting providers as well. Your server should run on Linux and have PHP 5.6 or better with cURL support. WP-Lister requires a decent version of WordPress (4.2+) with WooCommerce (3.0+) installed. What are the requirements to run WP-Lister? To find out more about the different versions have a look on our feature comparison table.įAQ Does WP-Lister work with all eBay sites? Visit to read more about WP-Lister including documentation, installation instructions and user reviews.
download / upload listing templates – makes life easy for 3rd party template developers.advanced template editor with HTML / CSS syntax highlighting.create simple listing templates using WordPress post editor.national and international shipping options.choose categories from eBay and your eBay Store.verify items and get listing fees before actually listing them.create listing profiles and apply multiple products.Due to its tight integration in WordPress you will feel right at home. The workflow of listing items requires not a single click more than neccessary. We worked hard to make WP-Lister easy to use but flexible.

You can select multiple products right from your products page, select a profile to apply a set of predefined options and list them all on eBay with just a few clicks. WP-Lister connects your WooCommerce shop with your eBay Store.